The Carters Are Back: 7 Epic Moments From Beyoncé & Jay-Z's Work of Art "APES**T"!

I’m sure you know by now, but in case you’ve just returned from a 3-day camping trip with no reception or internet connection, I’ll enlighten you -- the reigning king and queen of our planet, Beyoncé and Jay-Z, decided to bless us with a duet album this past weekend and IT. IS. EVERYTHING. We do not deserve the holy partnership that is The Carters but I will take anything they’ll give us. Along with their record Everything is Love, Bey and Jay also released an iconic new music video, "APES**T", and that is an apppropriate description of our reaction to it. Here are our favorite moments:
1. Dat Intro
I mean, you really can’t get much bigger than this. They open in the middle of The Louvre smack dab in front of our girl Mona Lisa and even she looks starstruck. Quite honestly, they are really stealing her spotlight looking like the ultimate power couple in their power suits with their power jewelry.

2. Staircase to Heaven
Here you’ll find Jay and Bey in their natural habitat -- two angels reigning over their loyal subjects on the steps of the most famous museum in the world. They just can’t be beat.

3. These Outfits Tho
This video has it all -- Beyoncé in a wedding dress, Jay-Z in suave pastel suits, Bey in bodysuits, Jay rocking a few ~jacket with no shirt~ looks that I’m weirdly into. They have hats and chains and fancy things everywhere! Who gave them permission to do this to us? Seriously, just take this picture in. I am not okay.

4. When Bey Takes the Lead
Ugh. I love a good powerful woman moment and this video is full of them. Bey is in the spotlight for most of the time and Jay gets to sit back and watch her shine (and boy does she shine)!

5. The Guy on the Horse
Seems dangerous but looks cool.

6. Jay’s Chains with No Shirt
I feel like we didn’t appreciate this enough the fist time I touched on it. I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen this trend (if it can be called that) before but I am living for it now.

7. Just Another Normal Couple
And finally, in the end, after all their adventures through the Louvre, Jay and Bey end their visit like anyone else: admiring the Mona Lisa (except without all the crowds and in much more expensive clothing, but those are just details).

So there you go, our favorite moments from the masterpiece that is "APES**T". Watch the full video below and if you haven’t already listened to Everything is Love, stop what you’re doing, go listen to it, and when you’re done, listen to it again. You won’t regret it.
(Image via Beyoncé/YouTube)
- Kyla Killackey, YH Contributing Writer