The 5 Most Badass Ladies of the Summer!

Ah, the end of Summer. Say goodbye to your tanning lotions and hello to your pumpkin everything. Goodbye to sleeping in and hello to waking up early (or, if you are already a full-functioning adult, stick to the same routine but maybe it’s a little breezier on your way to work?). With Summer leaving us this weekend, a lot of good things left with it, but it also brought many cool things along. One of the greatest things Summer 2018 brought us is some movies with pretty badass lady protagonists. Although there are many, here are just 5 badass ladies that made our Summer a little better!
Elastigirl -- The Incredibles 2
We waited 14 years for this sequel and it did not disappoint. Not only is the story great, but we got to see way more of a certain someone: Helen Parker, AKA Elastigirl. Whereas the first Incredibles movie was largely focused on Mr. Incredible, alias Bob Parker, going through a midlife crisis while dealing with the stress of being an undercover superhero, The Incredibles 2 shifts its focus to Elastigirl and her quest to convince the government to reinstate superheroes.
To be clear, it is not like this is the first time we see Elastigirl kicking some serious butt. She was equally badass in the first Incredibles (c’mon, surviving a plane explosion by turning into a human shield/parachute and then having your son work as a propeller as you hold a boat pose for hours while carrying your daughter on your back? That’s BADASS). However, in Incredibles 2, these qualities are magnified and we get to see Elastigirl working on her own while letting Mr. Incredible take over the house chores. Plus, it is her commitment to saving the world while also being a responsible, loving mother which makes her so badass. It is a true testament to ladies that do that in real life and there should be more characters like hers around.
Kayla Day -- Eighth Grade
If you haven’t seen Bo Burnham’s masterpiece Eighth Grade, you are truly missing out. Not only is it one of the most introspective, raw, and triumphant sleeper hits of the summer, but it also introduced us to one amazing female character: Kayla Day. Kayla, a teen who is on her last week of 8th grade, proved to be one of the most relatable and well-rounded characters this summer. The cringey moments that had most of us reliving awful moments from our middle school experience were in part so good because of the character’s depth and emotional dimensions. Aside from this, it was refreshing to see a kid actually play a kid. There is no crazy plot twist, no secret powers, no impromptu letter from Hogwarts – just an awkward teen trying to get through life. And we loved her for it.
Laura Jean -- To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before
Everybody has been talking about Peter Kavisnky (Noah Centineo), the hunky male lead from the summer hit To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. But there is some much-deserved appreciation that is owed to Laura Jean Covey, the protagonist of the Netflix hit. What is so fascinating about Laura Jean is her character’s growth throughout the film. She starts as a shy, insecure girl, and by the time the movie ends, she has learned to be okay with the things that make her who she is. From little things like learning to drive on her own to finally confronting Josh about the letter she wrote him, Laura Jean's growth is apparent.
Even though the story focuses largely on the love story developed between her and Peter Kavinsky, there are a lot of background details that truly form Laura into a well-rounded, awesome front lady that steals the audience’s heart (along with Kavisnky’s) in the process.
Sierra Burgess -- Sierra Burgess Is a Loser
Barb is back, you guys! Well, technically no, she’s still very much
dead (#justiceforBarb), but Shannon Purser, who
played Barb in "Stranger Things", has returned to Netflix, this
time playing the title character in the late-Summer hit Sierra Burgess Is a Loser. Sierra, a nerdy, average-looking girl (or so they portray her --
Shannon Purser is a total babe) is caught in a mean prank as
popular girl Veronica (Kristine Froseth) gives
Sierra’s number to Jamey (oh, hey, it’s Noah Centineo again!), who
thinks he is talking to Veronica instead. This develops into a
comical, albeit weird, love triangle/friendship that ends with the
message of loving yourself for what is inside. And, although the
plot can get weird sometimes (c’mon, Sierra, you can’t just kiss
someone in the middle of a kiss... And if that sentence is
confusing, it's because the whole thing is), what is truly great
about Sierra as a character is that she is not the typical “ugly
duckling transformed into princess”. She stays pretty much herself
during the whole movie, refusing to change or be changed by anybody
or anything. Whereas many movies, including the beloved Pretty
in Pink, give out the idea that you have to evolve or
transform in order to get the happy ending, Sierra does just the
opposite, and instead stands firm in the message that the right
person will love you for yourself. And for that, we are pretty
The Entire Cast of Ocean’s 8
All female lead cast, Hathaway, Blanchett, Bullock, et. al., including freaking Rihanna. They are planning to rob a necklace… at the Met Gala. If that’s not already enough proof of how badass this lady team is, then there is really not much more to say.
(Image via Warner Bros. Pictures)
- Alexandra Tirado, YH Contributing Writer