SUNDAY MUSIC VIDS: Birthday Edition
IT’S MY BIRTHDAY, Y’ALL! (Or at least it was earlier this week...)
Please, please, don’t shower me with so many gifts and cakes at once. I’m still bloated and exhausted from Thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping, as I am sure you are as well. So let’s spend the day relaxing together, shall we? Pop an Alka Seltzer and/or Ibuprofen, gather around your computer screen, and enjoy a few of my favorite music videos of all time.
Yes, today, it’s all about ME. What part of “it’s my birthday” wasn’t clear? Join in on the fun of celebrating ME by peeping the music videos that I don’t merely consider visually stunning – these are the music videos that have captured my imagination just as thoroughly as (or even moreso than) a full-length movie. Music videos that have moved me to tears, to laughter, to question my own existence on this planet. When music and the visual media meet in perfect harmony, it can change the world… if only for 3-5 minutes.
(Screenshot via YouTube)
- Katie Marzullo, YH Staff Editor