PSA: Find Your Bliss And Follow It!

It is officially Fall, guys! That means all-pumpkin-everythang, Halloween, Thanksgiving, leaves in the wind, and perfect weather. To me, Fall is pure BLISS... which got me thinking.
ATTENTION ALL YH READERS: Follow your bliss. It’s important.
Everyone has something they absolutely love. Everyone has passions and dreams they want to pursue. But… do those things bring you bliss? Bliss is defined as perfect happiness and great joy. It is so easy to get so wrapped up in life that we forget the purpose of living. I’m here to remind you NOT to do that! Fall is such a happy season, and it’s also the perfect time to focus on the things that bring you joy.
Over the years, I’ve learned that my bliss is journalism. Shocker, right? I’ve invested a lot of my time in learning about journalism, writing, producing, and communicating. Hearing people’s stories, getting people inspired, and creating a something from nothing brings me complete joy at the end of the day. I don’t think of it as something I’m majoring in in school or something that’s going to make me a living… but I think of it as a true passion. We invest in things we love, and the things we love (most of the time) make us happy. If all of your energy is put into people, jobs, and whatever else you’re currently doing that you don’t truly love, then it’s not your bliss… so why are you really following that? Don’t go to med school to become a doctor because being a doctor means a definite job and a hefty paycheck -- go because it makes you HAPPY to help people and make them healthy again. Are you following?
1. Find what makes you happy. Find something you truly love to do.
2. Take money and other people's opinions out of the equation.
3. Engulf yourself in whatever it is you find.
4. Follow it forever.
Just like Fall… life is meant to be blissful too. Why make it any harder than that? No matter what, there will be bumps along the road, but in the end, it’s YOUR road. So #FindYourBlissAndFollowIt
(Photo via WENN)
- Jana Rosenberg, YH Contributing Writer