+the scene
New on YHN: Catching Up with Fellow YouTubers Michelle Phan and Felicia Day!
Written by Katie Marzullo. Published: April 11 2012

As you probably know, YH was not
the only creative media outlet bestowed an exclusive channel by the
magnanimous YouTube gods. In fact, several Internet luminaries with
distinct online presences partnered up with the video giant as
well, and since we’re all playing for the same amazing,
groundbreaking team, we’ve made an effort to get to know our
neighbors, so to speak.
Last week, I told you about our CELEBRITY TREND
REPORT episode with beauty vloggers Elle & Blair,
who not only have their own channel but their own reality series
competition! Today, we have two more YouTube stars to introduce you
to – Michelle Phan and Felicia
If you subscribe to Elle & Blair,
then you’re probably also familiar with Michelle Phan – if not, hit
up her channel to get up to speed and enjoy more awesome make-up
tutorials from an artist's perspective. Her new channel, Fawn, has a bevy of beauty-related shows. Michelle’s
influence is so far-reaching, Lancôme hired her to be their
spokeswoman! Whoa!
Taking a slightly different tack
is Felicia Day, whose vlog on geek culture also led to her
partnership with YouTube for her channel Geek & Sundry, which is sure to tickle the fancy of your
inner and outer fangirl/boy! Featuring shows like “Written By a
Kid” (exactly what it sounds like), “Sword & Laser” (where she
interviews comic book celebs), and Dark Horse Motion Comics (where
comic book are brought to life with animation), there is plenty of
content to geek out to!
- Katie Marzullo, YH Staff