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ICYMI: New 'Spider-Man: Far From Home' Trailer Introduces Jake Gyllenhaal's Mysterio!

Written by Katie Marzullo. Published: January 19 2019


Back when Jake Gyllenhaal could still pass for a teenager, he was in heavy consideration to replace Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker in 2004’s Spider-Man 2. That fell through, obviously, and now that Jake has sadly aged out of the role, that doesn’t mean he can’t still get his Spidey fix – only this time as a villain!


The latest trailer for this Summer’s Spider-Man: Far From Home, starring Tom Holland as the titular web-slingin' superhero, gave us our first glimpse of Gyllenhaal’s role as the iconic Spidey nemesis, Mysterio.




Now, Mysterio’s known to comic book lovers everywhere for the dome he wears on his head, a one-way mirror that is also apparently a breathing aid. As you can see in the trailer, no dome for Jake initially – no one wants to see that gorgeous head of hair hidden away under a dome I guess – but he appears to be donning it moments later while fighting a big water monster of some kind. However, Jake’s rugged movie star good looks are a boon to the character, a failed Hollywood actor who decides to gain notoriety by killing a superhero (sounds perfectly legit and rational). Although he’s fighting an evil entity in the trailer, don’t think he’s an ally – more than likely, he created the water monster himself, as Mysterio’s primary “power” is using special effects he learned in the Biz to flummox and confuse Spidey. I’m guessing he uses this incident as a meet-cute to gain Spidey’s trust only to try and crush him later, OR in an attempt to be a superhero himself. Kinda like Syndrome from The Incredibles.


As for Spidey himself, this movie stands as a living Spoiler Alert for Avengers: Endgame, which opens in theatres 2 months before Far From Home and takes place after the events in that film. As you will remember from Avengers: Infinity War, Spidey was one of the many superheroes who turned to dust after Thanos’s genocidal Snap. So basically Far From Home proves that the Snap was somehow reversed, resurrecting Spidey and his pals (including Nick Fury, who appears in this film and was also seen disintegrating in the post-credits scene in Infinity War). Now, I knew immediately after Infinity War that, this being a comic book movie and all, there was no way the victims of the Snap would stay dead, and the very existence of Far From Home confirms that. Watching Endgame will simply be a formality to see exactly HOW Steve Rodgers and his remaining supers are able to pull off the reversal.


At any rate, Spider-Man: Far From Home opens in theatres on July 5!


(Image via Marvel Entertainment)


- Katie Marzullo, YH Staff Editor

[email protected]