How To Get Your Creativity Back on Fleek in 2022!

The holiday season is over and it is officially 2022, everyone! We've all got our resolutions and we're ready to make this year better than 2021, right? New year, new us, right?
Heck yeah!
But how do we do that?
We go back to school, work, and our projects with a renewed passion and more creativity to make us work harder and better, which will hopefully make us feel happier and more fulfilled! And when I think of passion, I believe it goes hand-in-hand with creativity, because creativity inspires passion just as easily as passion inspires creativity. But how can one constantly embody these traits? It's difficult, for sure, and I'm sure everyone has had moments of hitting a wall or getting that "writer's block", and if I'm being honest, mine hit the first week of last year.
I was coming back from a holiday high and I did not want to go back to work; I had somehow gotten sick, and I was pretty miserable. As I tried to crawl out of my hole and get back to my responsibilities, I had a hard time going back to work excited and ready to tackle new projects. It was then, I realized I had hit my metaphorical wall. And I thought to myself, "How do I find some creativity?"
For me, I called up a couple of valued friends and that's when it hit me. A new idea that I hadn't seen before and it came in the form of this article that I am writing and you are reading. I knew that other people would need help to find ways of getting themselves out of a creative rut, and these are some things that I found helped me and my friends and family!
Read a Book/Watch TV or Movie
A lot of the time inspiration can strike while watching a movie or reading a book. This is a way to find and understand new perspectives that you might not have realized before which can spark new thoughts and ideas.
Take a Walk/Exercise
Getting out and exercising can help clear your mind and free your head from the things that are distracting you from thinking clearly and finding new ideas.
Talk to Friends or Family
A quick chat or long conversation to either get your mind off of your block, or it can also be a way for you to reflect on your ideas (or lack thereof) by having a wall to bounce ideas off of. Being able to talk to someone can help you push away distractions and irrelevant thoughts to get you to a truly brilliant and creative idea.
Do Something Fun/Catch Up on a Hobby
This is one of the best ways to get your mind off of your work and make you happy. Many times an idea can strike when you least expect it, and when you are able to clear your mind, new things can pop up and inspire you. I can't tell you how many times I'm drawing or DIYing something and I come up with some really great ideas. Make sure to have a pen and notebook with you at all times because you never know when you'll have the next great idea that you'll want to write down!
Take a Nap
My mom says it's because I'm lazy (which is true), but sometimes its because you're tired or burnt out and that's the reason why you can't think straight and get that creative juice going. Taking a nap or naps can help rehabilitate your mind and give it the rest that it needs. The ideas are in there your brain just needs to rest to sort it all out.
These are just a few ways that can help you find that creative spark and that passionate drive for whatever project you might be working on. One thing they all have in common, and what I think is the key to getting your creative juices flowing, is to take a step back. Many times it's putting too much thought or spending too much time on the one thing can cloud our minds; taking a step back will help to broaden our perspective and help us see things that were a little clouded before. So in 2022, remember that sometimes you just have to take a step back to move forward. Good Luck and Cheers to a wonderful 2022!