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Christmas Movie Recs Based On Your Zodiac Sign!

Written by AnnMary Mailyan. Published: December 23 2022
(Universal Pictures)


Do you believe in astrology? This is one of those many questions we like to ask each other. Believe it or not, astrology affects not only our characters, but also our interests, professions, and compatibility with other people. But have you ever thought about zodiac signs influencing our taste in movies? Psychologists claim that we tend to love such artistic works (whether it’s films, books, music etc.) that somehow resemble ourselves.


So, let’s try this theory out, should we? We’re giving you 12 holiday movies for each zodiac sign -- watch the film of your sign and see if you can find any similarities with your personality! (You can, of course, watch all the other classics from this list as well.)


1. Aries: Home Alone (1990)

“This is ridiculous. Only a wimp would be hiding under a bed. And I can’t be a wimp. I’m the man of the house.” Kevin’s quote is the perfect way to describe Aries (March 20-April 20). These fire signs are never afraid to stand up for themselves and their close people. And not only do they protect themselves, they can also “destroy” you, if you have the guts to mess with them. So, always be careful with Aries, or you have a chance to end up just like Harry and Marv. 


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2. Taurus: Last Holiday (2006)

When Georgia Byrd finds out that she only has a few weeks to live, instead of letting her “disease” drag her down, she bravely chooses to live her life to the fullest, fulfilling her dreams. And that’s a determination that is common for Taurus (April 20-May 20). This sign seems shy and self-conscious, but they have the inner power that brings them closer to their goals, and they never give up.


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3. Gemini: The Holiday (2006)

The Holiday is the perfect Christmas film for a Gemini (May 20-June 20) because it shows two worlds with completely different lifestyles and personalities. And that’s the thing about this air sign with a split personality -- you can never describe Gemini in just one way, as there’s always something more to their character. And sometimes films like this can bring their inner battle to a balance. 


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4. Cancer: Love Actually (2003)

It’s no secret that Cancer (June 20-July 20) is the most sentimental sign of the whole zodiac. They can tear up from every little thing. They are not afraid to show their feelings, and that’s why their ideal choice is the most emotional Christmas movie ever. In Love Actually, we see lots of different storylines, happy and sad moments, which cover the whole spectrum of our emotions. Bring on the tissues! 


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5. Leo: Elf (2003)

Is there a jollier Christmas movie than Elf? Buddy is one of those characters that inspires you to be more courageous, more fun, to take risks and enjoy life. And so do Leos (July 20-August 20). You always feel like the better version of yourself once you’re with this summer fire sign. Leos never fail to infect people surrounding them with their happy and bright energy. The same can be said about Elf. It is THE movie that will always cheer you up no matter what. 


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6. Virgo: Christmas with the Kranks (2004)

Virgos (August 20-September 20) are quite complicated and interesting characters to analyze. On one hand, they are really stubborn, just like Luther Krank, who made up his mind about not celebrating Christmas and refused to step back from his decision no matter what. On the other hand, Virgos are really caring and will always be there to help you without expecting anything in return, something that we see in the example of Kranks’ neighbors, who, despite the cold attitude from Luther, do everything to create the perfect Christmas party for him and his family.


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7. Libra: The Santa Clause (1994)

Libras (September 20-October 20) are all about balance; that’s what they try to seek in their lives. However, they are quite indecisive and can seem cold and indifferent. But in reality, they have a big heart and care for everyone. And if you think about it, the same can be said for Scott Calvin. In the beginning of the movie, he may appear as a little arrogant, but throughout the film, we see him transforming into his true self, accepting life as it is. 


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8. Scorpio: How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)

If you ask people, "What’s the worst sign of the zodiac?", many of them will probably say Scorpio (October 20-November 20), without even explaining why. This water sign is the most unappreciated and misunderstood, just like the Grinch. He sure knew how to protect himself, and people considered his over-protective nature as evil, while deep down his soul, he was a caring human just like everyone else. 


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9. Sagittarius: Deck the Halls (2006)

Just like the competitive neighbors, who were trying to decorate their houses with as many festive lights as possible, Sagittarius (November 20-December 20) also loves being the top of the heap. They hate everything ordinary and mundane, preferring bright colors and luxury and will do whatever it takes to obtain it -- even if their bank account doesn't allow it. Plus, they often let their emotions take control and can say or do things without thinking rationally. Doesn’t that remind you of Steve and Buddy and their crazy rivalry? 


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10. Capricorn: A Christmas Carol (2009)

There’s no surprise that the most stingy and conservative zodiac sign is represented by the famous cold and greedy Christmas character. Scrooge was quite materialistic and loved his life routine, without wanting to get out of his comfort zone. He thought that it was the only right way to live and couldn’t accept anyone who had a different worldview. Capricorns (December 20-January 20) can be just like that; however, they can also realize their mistakes and sincerely want to change, like the man who coined “bah humbug” did.


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11. Aquarius: The Polar Express (2004)

Despite believing in destiny, Aquarius (January 20-February 20) is quite skeptical. They won’t believe in anything, unless it is proven by themselves. The Hero Boy was just the same. He didn’t want to be deceived and needed to see in order to believe. Throughout the film, he learns to broaden his horizons, and one simple experience was enough for him to believe for the rest of his life. Aquarius, too, can easily change their mind if they get all the answers to their questions. 


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12. Pisces: Serendipity (2001)

Pisces (February 20-March 20) is the most intuitive and mysterious sign, so it's no wonder why the choice for perfect Christmas movie for them is Serendipity. They try to go with the flow of life, are careful about signs, and trust their guts. Sometimes Pisces can choose the wrong path, like the main characters, who, despite wanting to be together, moved on with other people. But if they stay true to themselves, they’ll always find the way back, just like the two black gloves got united in the end. 


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