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5 Times Celebrities Spoiled Their Own Projects!

Written by Meredith Reilly. Published: March 29 2022


Not spoiling movies or TV shows can be hard for everyone, especially if you're on social media. But can you imagine how much harder it is for actors that are actually in those projects?! They must keep everything about it top secret, and at the same time have to go on press tours and hype it up. It’s no surprise, then, there has been a slip up or two, as this seems almost unavoidable. Spoiling is just in human nature, even for celebs. Here are our favorite times celebrities spoiled projects they were in!


1. Kit Harington

Back in 2016, Kit Harington was a guest on "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" discussing Season 6 of “Game of Thrones” where he revealed that he spoiled Jon Snow’s fate in order to avoid a speeding ticket! At the end of Season 5, nobody knew if Jon Snow was going to live or die after being stabbed by his fellow Nights Watchmen, but Kit knew. The writers swore him to secrecy, telling him not to tell a single person. Kit told Jimmy he was really good at keeping the secret -- except from his mom, dad, and girlfriend. But he did give the secret away to one other person: a police officer who caught him speeding. The officer said he can either come with him to the station or he could tell him whether Jon Snow lived or died in the upcoming season of “Game of Thrones”. Kit went ahead and spoiled the show and continued on his way home!




2. Tom Holland

While we love Tom Holland, the man is a walking spoiler. Tom has spoiled countless projects he’s in and often finds himself in trouble with Marvel. So much so that Marvel doesn’t let him read the scrips anymore, which he shared in an interview with "Good Morning America".




One of our favorite times Tom let out a spoiler is when he opened up a confidential package on Instagram Live and quickly had to turn off his camera. In the package was the Avengers: Infinity War poster, which had not been released yet. You can really see the fear in his eyes.




Another hysterical fact about the extreme preventative measures Marvel goes through to prevent Tom Holland from spoiling is that they lied to him about a scene they were filming. They said they were filming a wedding when it was in fact Iron Man’s funeral! Poor Tom.




3. Dylan O’Brien

During Comic-Con in 2014, the cast of The Maze Runner was on-hand promoting the upcoming movie. Amongst them was star Dylan O’Brien, who unfortunately was not able to keep the spoilers in. A fan asked O’Brien what the hardest scene was for him to film, to which he replied that it was Chuck’s death scene. Oops! Keep in mind the movie had no come out yet, so yeah there was no recovering from this one. And yes, the room went crazy.




4. Mark Ruffalo

Tom Holland isn’t the only spoiling machine in the MCU -- Mark Ruffalo has had his moments as well. The best was during an interview at the Disney D23 Expo, where Ruffalo was talking about Infinity War and told the interviewer “Wait till you see this next one, everybody dies.” Immediately Don Cheadle, who plays James Rhodes in the film, tried to get him to shut up, but no amount of backpedaling was going to save him. You can really feel the panic from Ruffalo.




5. Kit Harrington (Again)

This time that Kit spoiled the show it was even worse than the first, because he spoiled it for his wife. Kit is married to Rose Leslie, who played Ygritte on “Game of Thrones”, but she was no longer on the show at the time and was just trying to enjoy the show like everybody else. However, she couldn’t help herself but ask Kit how Season 7 ended -- he told her, and she was not happy he actually spoiled it for her! Kit told Stephen Colbert that she didn’t talk to him for two days, but we probably wouldn’t either!