5 Reasons You Need to Pick Up Lea Michele’s Book 'Brunette Ambition'!

Doesn’t it seem like a ton of celebs have their own book these days? While that may be true, and even though it’s been published for awhile, Lea Michele’s book continues to keep my interest. Brunette Ambition is part-memoir, part-how to, and part-style guide -- what more could you ask for? The brunette beauty is known for her crazy powerful vocals, her stunning acting chops, and for being one of the most hard-working performers in show business. Her book stands out on my must-read list for many reasons but here are the 5 biggest ones:
1. Her favorite recipes look bomb
“My mother always taught me to respect my body -- that you’re only given one and should take the best care of it that you can.”
PREACH, girl. Lea comes from an Italian family, so she’s used to cooking all of her meals. She tells her readers to remember that our bodies are temples (such a great way to look at it). Her book features healthy recipes for veggie lentil burgers, whole wheat pizzas with sunny-side-up eggs, and (my personal favorite) jalapeno grilled cheeses. My mouth is watering as I type this!
2. Her lists for “Self-Care 101” are essential to life
“These are the things I will never -- under any circumstances -- do.”
Some things on her list include: sleeping with makeup on or skipping washing her face before bed time, shorting herself on sleep, not drinking enough water, and skipping sun screen (big-time no-no!). She also touches on traveling tips, her full spa day rituals, and a homemade cucumber face masque.
3. She features workouts that keep her petite frame in check
“This is how Devon keeps me red carpet-ready -- you can do these exercises with minimal equipment in your own backyard!”
A few of her exercises include arm and leg swings, which help to get her body warmed up, alternating squats, lunges, planks, and different circuits meant to be repeated three times. She suggests finding a workout buddy for accountability. Oh, and make sure you take time to stretch afterward! Relax those muscles!
4. She touches on the importance of friendship
“It’s so important, so comforting, to have lamp-posts in this world who can light the way.”
What a cute and inspiring thing to say, Lea! She lists six friendship no-nos which involve lack of reciprocation, betrayal, and not being able to feel like the best version of yourself. And then she writes a beautiful love letter to BFF and co-star Jonathan Groff, thanking him for always being there for her and making her laugh so hard that she pees her pants. What’s that, do I feel a tear in my eye?
5. She takes us through a day in the life of "Glee"
“Our crew is the hardest-working crew in the entire business. They work all day and all night.”
Sometimes she starts work at 6am and doesn’t wrap until 3am the following morning (yikes, talk about commitment). On days that she’s not shooting, she has dance rehearsal, studio time to record songs, wardrobe fittings, and then she’s learning lines. Sometimes she has to do three musical numbers in one day! She is killin’ it. And thank goodness that she is, because "Glee" wouldn’t be what it is without her.
So, what do you think, guys? Is it a good enough list to make you want to buy the book? I hope so! And keep an eye out for her second book, which is slated to release Fall of this year!
(Photo via FayesVision/WENN)
- Nicole Koch, YH Staff