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5 Classic Films That Deserve Remakes!

Written by Charlotte Gorrell. Published: July 23 2024
(Photo: Warner Bros.)


If there is one thing you can count on in the movie biz, it's that Hollywood loves a remake. And despite mixed audience reactions, it appears they won't stop any time soon. Why resist? Some amazing classic films are in dire need of a refresh. Now, some of these suggestions might sound scary, but with a little trust and a director who genuinely loves the originals, you might be surprised. These candidates are perfect for a revisit!


1. Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961)

Breakfast at Tiffany’s is a top-tier classic, and the story is timeless. This is exactly why it should be remade for modern audiences. The social commentary is just as relevant as it was with its original release. The focus on materialism and expectations would resonate with new audiences as we live in an era of consumption. It would be a dream to deepen Holly Golightly’s story and bring her back to life. Truman Capote, the author of the book the movie is based on, was famously critical of this adaptation, so it would be great to see a new version that aligns more closely with his original vision. The only problem is, Audrey Hepburn is a tough act to follow, so who would play the leading role? Zendaya would be a fantastic choice for the role, but Lily Collins is another fantastic pick! 





2. The Outsiders (1983)

Some of the biggest names in Hollywood got their start in Francis Ford Coppola's The Outsiders, including Patrick Swayze, Tom Cruise, Rob Lowe, Diane Lane, and Ralph Macchio. The movie and book by the same is a beloved classic. It has a cult following and for good reason, but a fresh perspective could make this diamond shine. The complex relationships were lost when the movie made it to the screen. The death of Dally Winston, played by Matt Dillon, was diluted simply because he wasn’t on screen enough. Plus, who wouldn’t want Dally to look more book-accurate? With the right director, like Greta Gerwig perhaps, and we could have The Outsiders movie of our dreams. Do it for Johnny!




3. The Searchers (1956)

The Searchers is a classic Western that may be a bit more complicated to remake for modern audiences. The story is heartfelt and well-written but it is filled with old views that are no longer acceptable. A remake could take the dated portrayal of Native Americans and challenge them. Ethan Edwards’s struggle with the death of his family, combined with his obsession with revenge, could be modernized while not changing the historical context. The Searchers doesn’t shy away from the realities of the American West, and a remake could build upon this foundation while it makes commentary on colonialism and racial injustice throughout history.




4. Excalibur (1981)

It has been over 40 years since this movie was made, and it shows its age despite a great script. Excalibur is the film adaptation of the most complete telling of the tale of King Arthur. Since then, there have been retellings of the story but none have been true to the original story like Excalibur. Since the special effects are so outdated, and it has been such a long time since we had a true-to-tale King Arthur story, it is a film that needs a remake. Few public domain stories have gotten the true adaptations they deserve, from Robin Hood to Sherlock Holmes. It may seem backward, but going back and just doing what the original stories have done would be refreshing to see. 




5. Highlander (1986)

Highlander is a story of Scottish perseverance after Connor MacLeod survives a mortal wound. He is outcast from his village for years and accused of witchcraft. He returns years later to learn the sword and learns he is immortal. The immortals wage a war for centuries until their final battle occurs in modern (for the ‘80s) New York. Fun films are few and far between now; it is expected that movies can’t be good if they have goofy concepts, but this one could break that. Highlander has enough seriousness to draw you in and believe the story but enough silly concepts to be fun. It may have been a failure on its release, but a refresher and an update for modern audiences might just save the story from obscurity. Bring back the original soundtrack, in which many of the songs were performed by Queen, and you have the potential for a blockbuster hit. Once again, a dated movie that just needs a bit of a facelift and it would be golden. As it turns out, this could actually be happening with Henry Cavill as the lead! 

Hollywood loves making remakes and sequels these days. It isn’t far outside of the possibilities for these movies to see the big screen again. What other classics could use a Hollywood redo?