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3 Easy Ways To Combat Overconsumption!

Written by Noelle Henderson. Published: August 27 2024


With the emergence of TikTok shops and the rise of influencers, it has become incredibly easy to overconsume. The apps we use for social engagement and entertainment are now slowly becoming tools to sell things to us. But how can we be more mindful of our consumption if our social media feeds tell us we need more and more?


1. Get Off Social Media!

The easiest way to combat your over-consumption is to cut off what is causing you to buy so much. Focus your time on other things, such as a new hobby, friends, school, work, or exercise. Get out of bed so you can stop doom-scrolling your way into advertisements. Not only will you be spending less money, you’ll be spending your time more wisely.


2. Look At What You Already Have Before You Buy More!

Sometimes, when we go to the store, we buy things we already have without realizing it! When we see a trending product, it’s hard not to buy it, but an easy way to combat this urge to buy more is easy. Ask yourself, "Do I need this, or do I just want it?” Chances are, you don't need that new lotion if you have a half-finished bottle sitting in your bedroom. Be mindful of your spending. It's okay to put things back.


3. STOP Following Trends!

This is more specific to clothing but can easily be applied to all kinds of trends, like the “morning shed” trend or the need for an extensive skincare routine. Your daily routine does not need to be complicated, and neither does your wardrobe. Just because something is trending, regardless of whether you need it, does not mean it’s necessary for your style or lifestyle. Don't buy things because they are trending; buy things because you like them. Trends cycle too quickly, so dress and live however you want.


Keeping up with trends is great until you see how your overconsumption affects the environment and the people around the quality of the items you buy.