Melissa McCarthy battled a ghoul in real-life

Melissa Mccarthy once lived in a haunted house.
The 45-year-old actress stars as Abby Yates in the upcoming Ghostbusters reboot, which sees four women tackling the ghouls of New York City in a role reversal of the 1984 cult classic.
As she promoted the new film alongside co-star Kristen Wiig,
Melissa revealed she actually had an experience with spooks in real
life too.
"I lived in a house in Boulder, Colorado. It was a bunch of us - we
were in college, and a bunch of us took this house over and we were
the first people that were not from a family to live there,"
Melissa explained during an interview on Good Morning Britain on
Tuesday (05Jul16). "And there was a door that you had to really
pull up the handle and hit with your hip (to open). And one night
it flew open, slammed into something and shut."
However, Melissa wasn't scared by the presence, admitting: "It
didn’t feel menacing…"
Kristen and Melissa were on typically hilarious form for the
interview, collapsing into hysterics as they discussed what they
would do if they inhabited each other's bodies.
Kristen went for an offbeat option, declaring she'd get some roller
skates and cause havoc in Beverly Hills.
"I’d go down to Rodeo Drive and I would skate down the middle of
the street with huge sunglasses on and carrying shopping bags,"
Kristen guffawed. "I’d hang on to the back of cars and get a little
speed going, and wave to people. That’s what I would do."
Melissa's scenario was equally random, with the actress giggling:
"I would probably immediately also go to Rodeo Drive and then to
the beach in Santa Monica and shave all my hair off. I’d just kind
of lounge around in my bikini and real high heels…"
The two stars are joined by Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones as the
ghost busting team in the new flick.
Chris Hemsworth is also part of the movie as the sexy but dim
secretary, and wowed the cast with his incredible improvisational
"He’s so delightful," Melissa said of Chris. "He’s so truly funny
and kind and then to be truly like an incredibly skilled improv
person - it was just too much."