David Beckham fans injured in China stampede

David Beckham was forced to call off an appearance in China on Thursday (20Jun13) after a stampede of frenzied fans left at least seven people injured.
More than 1,000 excited devotees showed up at Tongji University in Shanghai to catch a glimpse of Beckham, who was due to meet members of the university's soccer team.
However, the visit was cancelled as chaos broke out when Beckham
arrived and the crowd surged to get closer to him.
According to a Shanghai police report, three cops, two university
security guards and two students were injured.
Dramatic photos of the incident show security personnel sprawled on
the ground as fans clamber over their bodies, a woman being carried
off to an ambulance on a stretcher, and Beckham being mobbed.
The Brit is in China as part of his role as the country's first
ever soccer ambassador.