Colin Farrell can't kick smoking habit for good
Actor Colin Farrell is smoking again, two years after kicking his habit.
The Total Recall star has admitted it didn't take him long to get hooked again and he was surprised it only took a few hit to get him puffing.
"I thought I'd just have the odd cigarette like everyone and I
thought I'd heard so many people say that and so many people fail,"
he said during an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. "There's
no way I'm gonna be one of them. I got back on them and I got
really good at smoking again."
In an effort to get him to quit for a second time, Farrell revealed
his sister bought him DVDs on how to stop smoking for good.
"You watch someone being interviewed by a therapist, and the person
being interviewed is obviously a smoker," he laughed. "The
therapist is talking to him and and there's hypnosis at the end of
"I watched the first DVD and I thought, 'This fellow is on to
something...' and I haven't watched the second one."
"I decided he might cure me after all, which was the point
initially, but then I thought, better back away from this
DeGeneres suggested a book called How to Stop Smoking The Easy Way
but the actor scoffed, "The easy way doesn't sound that
interesting. I like a challenge."
When his talk show host pal further implored the actor to quit, he
promised to do so.
"Done," said Farrell. "I'm gonna have a pack here. I'm gonna leave
them right here."