Chaz Bono bombarded with death threats after TV dancing stint

Cher's transgender son Chaz Bono upped his security after receiving a barrage of death threats following his appearance on Dancing With The Stars last year (11).
Bono used the hit show as a platform to introduce himself as a man to the public after starting out on the road to changing his sex in 2009.
He was accustomed to fundamental Christians taking aim at him
during his years as a gay woman, but Bono admits it was still
terrifying when the vile threats started to pour in via
after his first appearance on the TV ballroom contest.
He tells Britain's The Sun, "That was my first death threat. I was
expecting a backlash from Dancing With The Stars. It was certainly
more than I expected.
"I've been dealing with the conservative religious right here for
years so it's really par for the course. Thankfully, nothing
serious happened after the threats but I was cautious about