Avril Lavigne went on tour with Nickelback

Avril Lavigne was determined not to be separated from her fiance Chad Kroeger in the months after he proposed, so she packed up and headed out on tour with his band.
The Nickelback frontman popped the question to the singer in August (12) after a whirlwind romance, but they faced separation just months later as Kroeger's group was booked to tour Australia.
Lavigne decided to jet Down Under and travel around the country
with the band so the couple wouldn't have to spend any time
She tells News.com.au, "I was actually just there (in Australia)
with Nickelback on tour a few months ago. I didn't have to play so
I got to enjoy the (cities). It was the first time I was there and
not working... I was just kind of cruising... Travelling, going
from hotel to hotel, airport to airport, venue to venue... It was
exactly like being on tour and the hardest part of being on tour is
Lavigne admits another reason she decided to go away with
Nickelback was so she could finally see her new partner perform
live. She adds, "I hadn't really seen very many of his concerts
because we only started dating in the summer."