+the scene
( © Muhammed Selim Korkutata/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

Team Twitter or Team Instagram: Where Do You Stand?

Written by Courtney Allen. Published: January 30 2020


MySpace is a thing of the past, Facebook has been passed down to our parents, and that now leaves us with two social media sites to go head-to-head: Instagram and Twitter!


( © Young Hollywood/Instagram/Twitter)


Before Instagram blew up and completely took over our days and nights (seriously, we have to monitor our time spent on the app), we had Twitter to vent every last one of our thoughts. Although Twitter is still very much present in our lives, it’s safe to say it's definitely got some major competition nowadays. 


Instagram is an endless land of stalking our favorite celebs (and a bunch of other people we need not mention) and sharing basically every second of our lives, from family moments and food porn to shameless selfies and FOMO-inducing vacay snaps.



A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on


home. ??

A post shared by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on


pack it up, back to work!

A post shared by chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) on



Instagram is known for users’ instant access to personal content from people across the world. And then there are the memes, which pretty much describe our life experiences to a T and poke fun at anything and everything that happens in pop culture at any given moment. And we’re addicted to it all!




But if Instagram is for walking the walk, Twitter is all about talking the talk!


Twitter's original purpose was for users to communicate thoughts and ideas instantly... within limit, that is. Can you believe the limit was only 140 characters before its current 280?! We don’t want to live in a world where our tweets are that restricted.


But by the same token, what makes Twitter such a joy is that we don’t have to be forced to read extremely long text on our timelines. Something about chopping a paragraph in half in little bite-sized chunks just makes it easier, am I right?


Twitter has also expanded to become a huge source for breaking news and an even bigger one for the exchange of information through discussion on what’s going on in our world. It's never been easier to see what people are thinking about almost anything.


If something happens and people aren't talking about it on Twitter, did it really even happen?!


There has also been a huge increase in picture and video content spreading on the platform since its start. I assume we have its competitor Instagram to thank for all the upgrades!






And no surprise that Twitter is not nearly as personal as Instagram (unless you are revealing your deepest,darkest thoughts), but we kind of love that! Boundaries are indeed a beautiful thing, and Twitter is all about them! Instagram, well, not so much.


It’s clear both social sites bring plenty to the table that we all want to eat, but which app can you absolutely not live without? Let us know, are you Team Twitter or Team Instagram?!