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Spice Up The Season With These 3 Non-Traditional Holiday Films!
Written by Mike Dolzer. Published: December 16 2023
(Photo: 20th Century
This may make me sound kind of
Scrooge-y, but I get really tired of seeing the same holiday films
year after year. There’s only so many times I can watch "Grandma
Got Run Over by a Reindeer" before I wish I was struck unconscious
by Santa’s sleigh as well. I’m not saying that holiday films are
bad, but they get a little mundane after being viewed annually, and
usually have similar sappy endings or cliché tropes.
To counter the saccharine films adorning our TV screens and streaming websites, here is a small handful of Christmas movies that are famous for being good movies, but aren’t necessarily known for their Yuletide ties!
1.Edward Scissorhands(1990)
This story is a deliciously dark romance tale between the
outcast Edward Scissorhands (Johnny Depp), who
does in fact have scissors for hands, and Kim (Winona
Ryder), the teenage daughter of the Avon saleswoman who
takes Edward in. While many may think this is a Halloween film at
first glance, this cult classic is actually a Christmas film
because it’s framed by the elderly Kim reliving her experiences
with her sharp-handed suitor while telling her granddaughter about
where snow comes from. For those who don’t think this is good
enough justification for the film to be a Christmas movie, parts of
the move also take place around the holidays. So there. Stream
on Max.
2. Gremlins (1984)
From Steven
Spielberg, Gremlins is a film about a
young man with a seemingly great life whose parents give him a
mogwai for Christmas (making this a holiday movie). He doesn’t take
the rules about their care and feeding as seriously as he should,
and soon it’s a veritable s***show of tiny monsters terrorizing the
town. While Edward Scissorhands is a masterful
blend of darkness and romance, Gremlins is the
grandaddy of hilarious horror holiday films. Because nothing says
Christmas like homicidal fuzzballs! Stream on Max.
3.Die Hard(1988)
Die Hard is one of the most iconic action movies in
Hollywood history, but not many consider it a Christmas classic.
The film takes place around the holidays and is sparked by John
McClane (Bruce Willis) going to see his estranged
wife and family for Christmas when his wife's high-rise office
building is taken over by terrorists. While this film may not be
appropriate for the whole family, for those of you who have had it
“up to here” with your in-laws visiting for the season, watching
Bruce Willis knock the mess out of some bad guys may just be the
cinema therapy you need. Rent on Prime Video, YouTube, and
Apple TV.
These 3 films may not ring with Christmas cheer, but they’re surely different enough to break up your marathon viewing of A Christmas Story!