Ryan Reynolds Spreads Some Holiday Cheer (and Kidnaps Fred Savage) for PG-13 'Once Upon a Deadpool'!

If you’ve ever seen either Deadpool or Deadpool2, you’ll know that our main character can get a little… inappropriate at times. Hence why both films have been rated R when they’ve been released to theaters. Both films are hysterical, but definitely made for an older and more mature audience, unlike most other Marvel films.
Well, fear not, teens! Deadpool himself is channeling a different man in red this holiday season and bringing you an amazing gift -- A PG-13 version of your favorite anti-hero is coming to theaters right in time for the Holidays! It’s time for Once Upon a Deadpool.
Essentially, Deadpool 2 will be returning to theaters, but it will be a reimagined version “filtered through the prism of childlike innocence.” Awww.
According to Ryan Reynolds, 20th Century Fox has always wanted a PG-13 Deadpool, but he’s always told them no. This time around, he agreed for a PG-13 version on two conditions: (1) that a portion of the proceeds will go to charity, and (2) that Fred Savage HAD to be in it. And, as per the trailer, we can see that Fox certainly made good on their end of the bargain.
“Fred Savage will join Reynolds in new scenes for Once Upon a Deadpool in an homage to Savage's starring role in the 1987 bedtime-story classic The Princess Bride,” 20th Century Fox said when describing the film.
It sounds like what we’ll see is Fred Savage, kidnapped by Deadpool. Deadpool will tie him up and read him a nice holiday tale of the PG-13 version of the film, and we’ll get Deadpool 2 but… cleaner and less inappropriate? More family-friendly? And some new scenes like the UP reference in the trailer? I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
For every ticket sold, $1 will be given to Fudge Cancer, which is more commonly known as the charity F*ck Cancer, but they’ve temporarily changed their name to go along with the PG-13 release of the film.
Once Upon a Deadpool opens for a limited 12-day released starting December 12!
(Image via 20th Century Fox)
- Brooke Sharland, YH Contributing Writer