Hulu's "The 4 to 9ers" Gears Up for Another Shift with "The Day Crew"

Every good show knows that it has to evolve and grow without losing all the touches that make that show special and keep the fans coming back for more.
Such is also the case with “The 4 to 9ers”, a Hulu original series brought to you by the good ‘n’ tasty folks at Subway. When the show first debuted, it focused on the after-school activities of Mark, a titular 4-to-9er at a Subway franchise at his local mall. He toils away every day after high school under the (intense) tutelage of his more seasoned employee and classmate, Seth, all the while trying to make sweet time with the cute cell phone kiosk girl, Beth, and avoid the uncomfortable attempts at chumminess with the mall cop, Sgt. Doyle. We’ve all been there, amirite?
Now, we are introduced to “The Day Crew”, the loyal day shifters who take care of biz before their evening counterparts take over. Jeremy, a recent college grad, is trying to settle in to adult life (ew) working alongside his friendzoned roommate Samantha at the same Subway. The cell phone kiosk is manned by Charlie, whom Jeremy and Samantha are hoping will move into their apartment with them to ease the financial burden (even though he used to date Samantha in college… awkward!). Again, been there, done that. Season 2 also introduces us to Sgt. Doyle’s mother, played by the legendary Doris Roberts. Often spoken of but up til now never seen, we can now understand how and why Doyle is… the way he is. (BTW, seems like he works waayyy too many hours…) Anyway, Jeremy and Samantha spend the beginning of the season training the newest 4-to-9er, Joe, whom his co-workers suspect might be a narc. No sign of Mark and Beth this time around, though they are (kinda) referred to.
It’s a simple concept with hilarious and all-too relatable circumstances, and it can all be binge-watched now on Hulu and YouTube!
We recently got to chat with the cast at the YH Studio, including mainstays Moses Storm (Seth) and David H. Lawrence XVII (Sgt. Doyle), and “The Day Crew” newbies Stephanie Koenig (Samantha) and the marvelous Ms. Doris Roberts (Mrs. Doyle)! Check them out below!
(Photo via Content & Co)