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How To Have A Miley Stewart Summer!

Written by Emma Kassel. Published: July 14 2024
(Photo: Walt Disney Pictures)


The sound of a rooster crowing outside pulls you out of your childhood room for an early day on the farm. You return inside with fresh produce to your family fumbling around the kitchen and preparing a homemade breakfast as you plan out your day: Heading to the Farmers Market with Grandma, songwriting in the gazebo, and later horseback-riding up to the waterfall with your childhood best friend.


It all comes down to appreciating the small things in life that we often overlook. Reuniting with family, friends, nature, and oneself is the essence of a "Miley Stewart Summer"!


If you’re a fan of the early Disney Channel days, I’m sure this trend sweeping TikTok is no surprise to you. Miley Cyrus plays the titular character in the series "Hannah Montana" as well as her everyday alter ego Miley Stewart. In the 2009 film Hannah Montana: The Movie, Miley goes back to her hometown of Crowley Corners, Tennessee, for 2 weeks after her father decides that she’s prioritizing her celebrity side and the popularity of her alternate persona is taking over her life. She reconnects with small-town life, catching up with her grandma and relatives, riding her horse Blue Jeans, helping a local cowboy redo a chicken coop, and essentially saving the town from industrialization. The ideal Tennessee countryside sets the tone for this fun and heartwarming movie, and here is how you can live your best Summer inspired by the country girl at heart, Miley Stewart!


Get Outside

Although Miley's main form of reconnecting with nature may be riding with Blue Jeans, you don’t need to be trotting at 20 miles per hour atop a horse to be trendy. Go on a hike, swim in the lake, plant flowers, or just simply sit in your backyard and take in your surroundings. It’s easy to make an excuse to sit inside all day, but Summer flies by quicker than you think, so make the most of it.


Visit Loved Ones

Miley heads back to her hometown to visit her family, so why not do the same? Book a trip to catch up with your old friends or go back home for the weekend. If you can’t get away, give a family member a call to chat. You never know whose day you’ll make when your name pops up on their phone.


Disconnect With Technology

Although it may seem difficult to get away from screens nowadays, being present really makes a difference. Most scenes with phones throughout the movie are when Miley is portraying Hannah, but when she heads home to Tennessee, her phone seemingly disappears. Though social media guarantees connection, without the distraction of notifications, it's much easier to be in the moment and pay attention to those around you.


Try a New Hobby

If you’re not up for songwriting, there are plenty of other new activities to try that are perfect for the Summer. Try out painting, tie-dyeing, surfing, or biking. There’s something for everyone, whether you want to stay close to your comfort zone or take a leap in the other direction. Maybe traveling is your new hobby and you want to take a trip to where the movie was filmed! Columbia, Tennessee, is the place to go!


You can watch both "Hannah Montana" and Hannah Montana: The Movie on Disney+!