How to Have a Healthy Super Bowl!

What’s the best kind of bowl you can think of? A Chipotle burrito bowl? A bowl of macaroni and cheese? Well, for me, the best kind of bowl involves grass, a ball, and 22 athletic, sweaty men. I'm talking, of course, about the Super Bowl!
One of the most important parts of a Super Bowl party has got to be the food and drinks. Just like the athletics on the field need their fuel, you’re going to need it too! But trying to be healthier in the New Year is practically impossible when you’re staring down a plate of sliders surrounded by decadent treats and savory snacks. You want to be able to have your favorite game day eats, but without the calories. I totally get it and I have absolutely ZERO will power when it comes to food, so at a Super Bowl party, it’s practically a game over with my hope of a decreasing waistline.
This year for the Super Bowl, I promised myself I would work hard to cut my calories practically in half… and it turns out that it wouldn’t be too hard at all! After scouring my favorite food blogs and getting creative in my planning, I’ve found a way to have my Super Bowl and eat it too!
My first suggestion: Host the party yourself! You’ll have total control of everything (especially the food and drinks), which is a huge game changer. If you provide low-cal food for the game, not only will your friends thank you, but so will your body! Don’t want the risk of having a bunch of drunk mega fans parading around your newly-refurbished apartment? Don’t sweat it! Wherever you end up going, offer to bring some apps and zerts just in case.
Also, don’t forget to get a little rowdy while watching the game! The more you stand up, move around, and cheer, the more calories you burn. You know what else burns calories? Laughing! So, don’t skip out on watching all of those hilarious Super Bowl commercials. Burning calories has never been so easy and fun!
Now, onto the food and drinks! Let’s make sure to cover all of our bases (wrong sport, but you know what I mean)... Here are some recipes that I love -- No silverware required!
Grilled Chicken Kebabs with your favorite veggies
Skinny Sliders with Caramelized Onions
Smoked Salmon and Cheese Mini Twice-Baked Potatoes
Chips and Dips:
Special K Cracker Crisps (23 Crisps = 90 cal)
34 Degrees Rosmary Crisps (9 Crisps = 50 cal)
Slice up some cucumbers (they look like chips and have the crunch too!)
Simple veggie plate
Peanut Butter Haystacks and Strawberries on a Cloud
Easy Chocolate covered Strawberries
Oh my goodness! My mouth is already watering! Enjoy the Super Bowl and happy eating!