+the scene
Florence + the Machine Search for "Light" in New Single and Music Video
Written by Katie Marzullo. Published: November 18 2011

I’ve long
compared Florence Welch to an angel, but
apparently it’s even bigger than that.
Florence + the Machine has released the music
video for their newest single off their sophomore album, Ceremonials, entitled "No Light, No Light", and it’s, as
always, breathtaking. Florence is at her most ethereal here,
looking like those old portraits of the Virgin Mary you would see
in Medieval paintings, as she seems to be struggling between two
religious ideologies – the Christian Church (likely the Anglican
church), and some sort of freaky Voodoo. Both religions, it should
be noted, were born of the Catholic Church. So, perhaps Flo is
commenting on two extremes of one fundamental “truth” and the
internal push-pull that can result as one struggles to find some
middle ground. Or something like that.
All I can tell
you for sure is, like every other Flo + the Mac vid, it’s
visually stunning, as much a feast for the eyes as the ears. And
aren’t those little choir boys the cutest?? Heehee!
check out “No Light, No Light” below... turn it up loud and have
yourself a catharsis!
(Image via
- Katie Marzullo, YH Staff