Megan Parker's 5 Best Pranks on "Drake & Josh"!

I’m sure we’re all hoping that this April Fool’s someone will pop up on TV and tell us that these first few months of 2020 have really been part of one long, cruel prank and that we can all go back to our normal routine.
Of course that’s probably not going to happen, but if anyone were to pull off a prank as big as this year, it would be the one-and-only Megan Parker from "Drake & Josh" (played by Miranda Cosgrove).
So to celebrate this April Fool’s Day, we thought we’d highlight some of Megan’s best high-jinks. If you’re looking for some inspiration to prank your friends & family, maybe don’t turn to Megan because she’s actually pretty evil. Just stick to the old salt-and-sugar switcheroo, but still be sure to check out our Top 5 Megan Pranks for a good laugh!
1. Give Me The Remote!
Such a classic "Drake & Josh" moment.
If you’ve ever fought over the remote with your sibling, you probably dreamed of flipping them onto the ground like Megan does. Except you probably weren’t as good at getting away with stuff so you never actually tried. But still, to this day, this scene plays in your head every time your sibling holds the remote captive.
2. Josh’s Exploding Birthday Cake
What better way to crush someone’s birthday than to blow up a cake right in their face?
Maybe this one’s a little sad. Not because Megan tried to ruin Josh’s birthday, but because of all the wasted cake! The sacrifices Megan must make to execute her pranks, it’s truly admirable. R.I.P. to Josh’s birthday cake.
3. Nachos for Drake & Josh
Yet another food prank, but this time the boobs really walked into this one on their own.
Don’t listen to Drake when he says you shouldn’t question free nachos. You should ALWAYS question free nachos, especially when they show up at your doorstep delivered by a 10 year-old kid.
Megan’s pranks can be so obvious, but she knows her victims well enough to know they’ll never turn down nachos.
4. Drake and Josh Get Stuck in a Treehouse
Again, the boobs walked into this one. But it was Megan that made it impossible for them to get out.
Megan is an opportunist. If she sees the chance to hoodwink her brothers, she will take it, no questions asked.
5. Megan Bails Her Brothers Out of Jail
The best part about Megan is that she isn’t completely evil. In fact, her pranks made her an excellent undercover agent to help catch some shady businessmen and bail her brothers out of jail.
Megan knows where to draw the line, which is why she is one of the most strangely lovable TV characters.