ABC's 3 Most DVR-Worthy New Fall Shows!

Fall is such an exciting time for new shows to premiere! Summer’s over, reality hits, and all you want to do is be a couch potato so you can gorge on food and countless hours of TV. Many hit series are returning to the small screen, such as "The Big Bang Theory", "The Voice", "Modern Family", and the list goes on. But what about those new shows everyone is talking about? I have three new ABC shows to clear some room on your DVR for!
(Series Premiere Tuesday, Sept. 23 10/9c)
If you’re into sexy doctors who love to solve crimes(!), then "Forever" is the show for you. Dr. Henry Morgan (Ioan Gruffudd) is the definition of tall, dark, and handsome. But, he has a secret. Even though he can die, he never stays dead. He’s 200-years-old and uses his experience to help NYPD solve murder mysteries. The series takes you through his journey to find out why he can’t die for good. Bonus: everytime he returns alive, he’s naked. Record this on your DVR and watch this hot, steamy show. It’ll be sure to keep you warm during the Fall.
"How to Get Away with Murder"
(Series premiere Thursday, Sept. 25 10/9c)
Ok, if you’re a murder mystery lover like me, you will absolutely want to add this to your DVR set recordings. This series is all about the drama and who doesn’t want that? It’s a sexy, suspense-driven, legal thriller about law students and their crazy brilliant professor (Viola Davis) who teaches a “How to Get Away with Murder” class. Little do they know that they will have to test their classroom skills and apply them to real life.. .dun-dun-DUN! Seriously, go set your DVR right now.
(Series premiere Tuesday, Sept. 30 8/7c)
If this show title isn’t relevant for today’s culture, then I don’t know what is. Social media is a part of our everyday lives, and for Eliza Dooley (Karen Gillan), her 263,000 social media followers just aren’t cutting it anymore. One lonely day, she has a revelation that her internet fans don’t suffice for real life friends. In search for a reputation rebranding, she collaborates with a marketing guru and he attempts to teach her to reconnect. This comedy series will definitely help you laugh through those gloomy Fall days.
So, is your DVR set yet?
(Photo via Nikki Nelson/WENN)
- Nicole Koch, YH Staff