+the scene

8 Things That NEED To Happen In 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker'!

Written by Katie Marzullo. Published: December 12 2019


3. Leia Must Live

When the legendary Carrie Fisher tragically passed away in 2016, it left Lucasfilm in quite a quandary as to how to proceed with the final film of the Trilogy. Whereas The Force Awakens was Han’s movie, and The Last Jedi was Luke’s movie, The Rise of Skywalker was supposed to be Leia’s movie. Luckily for all involved, they discovered unused footage from TFA that they were able to repurpose for TROS and, according to them, seamlessly craft a coherent plotline for her. It’s anyone’s guess as to what this will entail, as we have precious little information about Leia’s role in TROS, but we can make some speculations. For starters, it looks more than certain that Leia will be training Rey in the ways of the Force, thanks to footage we have seen of her holding the Legacy Lightsaber in the same location as the footage of Rey training in a heavily forested locale.



In the tie-in novel Resistance Reborn, which takes place shortly after the Battle of Crait in TLJ, Leia is portrayed as being utterly exhausted, both mentally and physically, and it’s heavily implied that her health is in decline. While this seems to be foreshadowing her death in TROS, I am hoping against hope that this will not be the case, and that she will simply decide to “retire” from kicking butt across the Galaxy and hand the reigns off to the remaining Resistance members (and possibly even Lando Calrissian). After having lost so much, wouldn’t it be amazing if she survived long enough to see her only son come back to the Light? Wouldn’t it be great if she just didn’t follow her brother and husband into the afterlife? Leia deserves better, Carrie deserves better, we all deserve better. LET LEIA LIVE!

