7 Spring Cleaning Tips!

Although cleaning should always be in-season, the warm weather and longer days that come with Spring make the concept of Spring cleaning understandable. It’s almost time for guests to visit for summer holidays, and you don’t want to be rushed to organize everything at the last minute. If you’ve been procrastinating about taking on the deep clean, this is your sign to finally put away your suitcase of clothes from Spring Break and begin! Here are some tips to get you through to the sunlight at the end of the dusty tunnel.
Create a Schedule
This might sound obvious, but attempting an intense clean in one go is overwhelming! You start strong, slow down, burn out, put everything back under the bed, and repeat. Break up the cleaning by organizing a few sections at a time, and stop for a while when you lose momentum so you don’t end up rushing through and neglecting an area.
Check Out Room/Apartment Tours for Inspiration
YouTube and TikTok have an ever-growing abundance of these videos, and they’re just as addictive as they are painful once you find out that the beautiful rose knit blanket costs $125. Although it isn’t always feasible to go out and buy new décor, there are still ways to rearrange your furniture or craft some DIYs for lower prices.
Walk Around IKEA
Despite the fact that you need the perfectly balanced floor plan that every 300-square foot IKEA setup has in order to recreate that room, there are still great, simple ideas for organizing. Even if you come out with no new items, you can at least get some cheap lunch! Just be sure to clear out your schedule for the time you’ll need to find your way out of the great maze of Swedish furniture.
Practice Minimalism
It appears that every famous YouTuber is free of the excessive clutter that typically accumulates every year that we exist. Minimalism can have a slightly different definition to everyone because it doesn’t necessarily equate to ridding yourself of 95% of all possessions, but just being more considerate about what you own. However, everything does appear more Instagram-worthy when you look like you live in a hotel. Try selling your items on Facebook Marketplace (ten times less sketchy than Craigslist) or apps like Depop, and donate anything else. Research shows that having clutter can cause considerable stress, so downsizing in inventory is the way to go.
Work Your Way from Top to Bottom
The Summer heat is upon us, which means that ceiling fans must be cleaned, lest we shower ourselves in dust bunnies. If you live in Los Angeles, you know that dust never truly goes away, but you’ll still want to start from your ceiling down so that you can vacuum up any leftover particles in the end.
Listen to Music
Create a playlist of upbeat music to keep your energy high! You can also throw on those 30-minute sit-down-and-spill-tea videos from your favorite YouTubers that you didn’t have time to listen to before.
Read Up on Heavy Cleaning Tips
There are tons of blogs with amazing tips for removing stains, pet hair, and more with natural items that you might already have. Did you know you can clean your pasta sauce-splattered microwave with just a lemon and water? Try checking out this site as well as this one to begin. An extra tip that they don’t tell you: if you let that spider in the hidden corner of your room live, it might serve as a natural pesticide for other unwanted insects.
Good luck with your cleaning ventures! We hope you find some long-forgotten cash and other prizes.