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5 Ways To Spice Up Your Morning Routine!

Written by Daria Hodies. Published: October 10 2023


Oh, the magic of the morning! Birds chirping, the sun rising, and a blaring alarm clock shaking you from the most perfect dream… dang! We know mornings can be tough, and just like you, we’d rather head back to sleep and wake up sometime around brunch time! But since that’s not an option, we came up with a little list of some fun ideas to spice up your morning routine and get the day started! From writing to relaxing and even a little dancing, we think you’ll love these ideas and might even change your status from "night owl" to "early bird"! So grab your morning cup of coffee and start scrolling, because after you check out these ideas, your mornings will never be the same again!


1. Morning Journaling

Starting the day right off the bat with work can be rough sometimes. Journaling in the morning, though, is a good way to get your brain ready to start functioning. You can start off by journaling little things, like maybe what you’re grateful for, a list of goals for the day, or even a creative writing prompt! Check out this self-love list of journal prompts below for some ideas too!




2. Fun Morning Breakfast

Food is fuel, and we all need some of that in the morning! If you’re a breakfast person like us, but get tired of the same old thing every day, try buying a new breakfast item or adding a new creamer or syrup to your coffee. Amazon has a ton of different coffee flavors to choose from, and Pinterest is full of recipes you can use to spice up your breakfast. We recommend putting everything bagel seasoning on avocado toast, or making overnight oats. Yum!


3. Morning Music Playlist

Wake up and shake up! Music is always beneficial but can come in handy especially in the morning! If you feel a little sluggish while getting ready in the AM, try making a playlist of all your favorite songs! We guarantee you’ll want to dance, sing, and have a way better time getting ready. Your favorite music apps have some amazing morning playlists for you to check out as well!



4. Morning Self-Care

Sometimes, it’s just one of those mornings. Maybe the dishwasher didn’t run last night, your milk expired, or your favorite sweater shrunk in the dryer. Whatever the case is, you deserve a little self-care, especially after a rough morning! Take the time to wash your face, do the skincare routine that keeps you glowing, and say a bunch of positive affirmations in the mirror. You’ll be feeling unstoppable in no time!


5. Morning Exercise

Although sometimes waking up and hitting the gym is the last thing you want to do in the morning, a little exercise each day can go a long way! Even if it's just a quick walk with your pet around the block, or some stretching and yoga for 10 minutes, exercising when you wake up is a great and natural way to get your body going and endorphins flowing. You can even try doing something facing the window to watch the sunrise if you want… if you’re up that early!




We hope these tips and tricks are able to spice up your morning routine and leave you feeling ready to take on the day! Have a good morning!