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5 Podcasts To Help Navigate Your Twenties!

Written by Noelle Henderson. Published: August 03 2024


Being in your twenties can be extremely difficult. It’s the first time that school is no longer the structural center of your life, which can make even the easy tasks, like going out or simply making plans, more challenging than usual. Just because it can be hard doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to navigate your twenties gracefully. 


Here are some of my favorite podcasts that have helped me as a 21-year-old through more challenging times!


1. "Try This" by The Washington Post

My mom sent me this podcast because of their sleep series. With the episodes ranging between 7 and 12 minutes, this podcast is especially great for people who aren’t really into podcasts. Sometimes, 45 to 60-minute podcasts can be daunting, and when you are in a jam and need unfiltered advice, some of these episodes could be incredibly helpful. The host, Cristina Quinn, provides a safe space to explore the hurdles we commonly experience regardless of age. The current series includes topics on sleep, friendships, and cooking. Weekly episodes every Thursday.


Favorite Episode: "When To Call It Quits"



2. "anything goes with emma chamberlain"

If you were in high school during the era of Emma Chamberlain on YouTube, chances are you and/or your friends followed her, and they still do today. Emma has lived two lives: from the average teenager in San Fransisco to becoming a business owner and fashion icon. Her episodes range from fashion advice to conversations about mental health, and while she is not a licensed professional, she gives a Gen-Z perspective on life, which is sometimes all we need. She has made a massive shift from YouTube to podcasts, where she posts weekly episodes. These personable chats are tremendous, and you often feel like you're hanging out with her. Emma is an openly honest and authentic public figure, allowing you to feel seen when she replies to questions asked on the "Anything Goes" Twitter account each week. Her podcast is only available on Spotify every Thursday and features a video option for some episodes.


Favorite Episode: "success kills creativity"



3. "Am I Doing It Wrong?" by Huff Post

This podcast provides a perspective for life in the future. While not marketed toward 20-year-olds, Raj Punjabi and Noah Michelson release episodes on universal topics like friendships, health, cleaning, hookups, sex, and every emotion. Each episode features a guest specializing in the subject of conversation, providing professional advice that allows the listener to trust the conversation. With our twenties filled with mistakes and questions, this show is a great way to navigate our new way of living. 


Favorite Episode: "Strengthening Our Friendships with Anna Goldfarb"



4. "Habits of a Goddess" by Jasmine Rasco

A top-rated podcast on TikTok, Habits of a Goddess provides episodes as short as 10 to 12 minutes to as long as an hour. Jasmine’s episodes offer positive affirmations and promote positive thinking and habits to help build confidence. Being a woman in your twenties can be a constant battle with yourself. Having a podcast specifically for women changes the type of advice you receive and the content you can access. Positive affirmations are crucial to building a life you enjoy and learning to believe in yourself and love yourself.


Favorite Episode: "Value yourself as a goddess: The secret of getting everything you desire"



5. "The Psychology of Your Twenties"

This is THE podcast. Understanding why we do the things we do during our twenties is essential as we develop, but it provides a platform for you to gain more emotional intelligence.  The Host, Jemma Sbeg, does a beautiful job on each topic she explores, bringing on professionals to provide input and answer questions to ensure that the information we receive from her is as accurate as possible. She has covered every topic, including mental health, finances, friendship, relationships, sex, careers, and general confusion about your 20s. She releases weekly episodes on Tuesdays. 


Favorite Episode: "How to get over someone you can’t stop thinking about"



Happy listening, and good luck out there, fellow twentysomethings!