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4 Ways To Support Independent Filmmakers!

Written by Emily Holshouser. Published: March 19 2020


As the Coronavirus pandemic shutters film festivals, curbs movie theater attendance, and changes the film industry around the world, many independent filmmakers are struggling to figure out how to get their work seen and get support from audiences. Even in normal times, indie filmmakers need support!


If you are wondering how you can support all of these creators, now’s your chance! We have some great ideas on how to make this difficult time a little easier on independent creators.


1. Support their Indiegogo/Kickstarter/Patreon


If you have the means, the best way to support independent creators is through Patreon or their Kickstarter/Indiegogo campaigns.


Films are expensive and time-consuming to create -- even just $5 can make an impact on someone’s project. Even if you can’t donate, spreading the word on social media and boosting awareness is a great idea, too!


2. Watch their other work


This may seem obvious, but watching an indie filmmaker’s work can be more impactful than you may realize.


Watching their videos on YouTube can mean more advertising revenue; giving them Vimeo clicks can help their indie projects gain awareness and media buzz. Start a discussion in the comments section! Give it a like! Watch their other films that may not be as popular.


If you can find their contact info, reach out and see if you can get screeners any unavailable films of theirs. 


3. Interact with them on social media


So you’ve donated a few bucks and watched their content -- what else can you do? Interact with them on social media!


Beyond just following them on Instagram, like their photos, comment on them, shout them out on your own story! Show these filmmakers that they’re more than their work and that their presence is valued.


4. Ask your local video stores and/or the library to stock their work


If you want to see a filmmaker’s work but can’t find a digital copy, ask your local library to acquire copies of the films or see if a local video store will sell it!


Streaming may be king, but it doesn’t hurt to have their work available for the public in this way! Plus, it’s a pretty cool badge to wear -- Biggest Stan Award, am I right?


Happy watching!