4 Ways the "Star Wars Holiday Special" Was Ahead of Its Time!
The Internet
Seriously, Chewbacca’s family uses the Internet to stream videos. They speak on the same Skype or Facetime-like tech that’s been featured in the Star Wars movies and other sci-fi media before, but the fact that they use these devices to watch a cooking show, a creepy carnival, a rock concert by Jefferson Starship (I wonder why they were brought on…), and a trippy Boba Fett cartoon (also his introduction into the series) heavily involving Luke and Chewy, was unprecedented for the time. I was watching this special and in a sea of confusion as to what the heck was going on, and their streaming clips made the most sense. The only thing missing was the Emperor getting on Twitter to claim Rebel voter fraud and then realizing two tweets later that he took away the right to vote anyway.