Written by . Published: December 16 2010

Ozzy Osbourne has been scared off from driving again after he accidentally crashed his Ferrari into the back of another car on Monday (13Dec10).

The singer only recently passed his driving test and immediately headed to a car dealership to purchase the luxury sports vehicle - but he was left with a bruised ego this week after becoming involved in a minor collision while out and about in Los Angeles.

His wife Sharon Osbourne reveals Ozzy Osbourne had lost his way when he shunted his Ferrari and he was sent into a panic when he discovered the other motorist was a lawyer.

And the unidentified driver was so official as he took down Ozzy Osbourne's insurance details, the star likened his behaviour to fictional defence attorney Perry Mason.

Explaining the incident on her chat show The Talk, Sharon Osbourne says, "Ozzy just recently passed his driving test and you know, every guy's dream from being a kid to 62, they've wanted to have a Ferrari.

"So he goes and gets himself one. It had 20 miles on the clock, he goes, 'I'm going driving.' He goes out, gets lost, doesn't know where he is and he hits another car. But the guy he hits is a lawyer.

"So then Ozzy has a wicked panic on, he says sorry, he gets out the car and the guy goes, 'I'm calling the police.' Ozzy goes, 'You don't have to, it's only a minor thing.' The guy goes, 'I'm a lawyer.' And Ozzy says, 'Jeez, it's just my luck, I hit Perry Mason.' It's like, of all the people in the world! This guy was being really lawyer-like, asking questions, being really strict. He was like, 'Don't you leave!' Ozzy was like, 'I'm not going anywhere.'"

And Sharon Osbourne is convinced the legal eagle had no idea who he had just bumped into. When asked if the motorist knew who Osbourne was, she laughed, "No, he was a lawyer!"

But the small mishap has temporarily forced the 62 year old off the road, because he fears he'll get into another accident if he drives off again.

Sharon Osbourne adds, "I keep telling him (to get back in the car). He's disappointed."