Matt Damon and Hayden Panettiere honored at environmental awards
Actors Matt Damon and Hayden Panettiere have been honored for their continued efforts to save the planet at the 2013 Environmental Media Awards.
The Bourne Identity star was named Ongoing Commitment Honoree for his work with, a charity he co-founded to provide clean water to those in developing countries, while Panettiere walked away with the Futures Award in recognition of her efforts with The Whaleman Foundation, an oceanic research and conservation group, which aims to protect the world's oceans and their inhabitants.
Accepting her award, the newly-engaged actress poked fun at Miley
Cyrus' favorite dance move, joking, "Twerking is not going to solve
global warming."
The makers of documentary Gasland 2 and film Promise Land also
received prizes for raising awareness about the environment at the
California ceremony, which took place on Saturday (19Oct13) and
celebrates leading green stars in the entertainment sector.