Kevin Hart feared he'd seriously injured The Rock

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson left his Central Intelligence co-star Kevin Hart stunned when he brushed off a major disaster on set, which would have sent many actors to the hospital.
Funnyman Hart felt sure he'd seriously injured the wrestler-turned-movie star when he forcefully pushed open a door in a scene and watched as a chunk of the ceiling fell on Johnson.
"I really almost killed The Rock. He's chasing me into a room and
when I run into the room I fling the door open... and I flew the
door so hard... the piece of ceiling fell and hit him on the head,"
Hart told chat show host Conan O'Brien.
"He should have been out, but this is what he did - he goes, 'Guess
someone's gotta fix that!' I'm like, 'What!'"
Hart showed a clip of the scene during his appearance on Conan on
Thursday night (14Jan16) and revealed he had also posted footage on
social media, complete with his laughter as his hulking co-star
held his head in his hands.
The comedian almost knocked out another tough guy co-star while
shooting Ride Along 2 - but this time it had nothing to do with
falling bits of ceiling.
Ice Cube reveals, "He has some of the ugliest feet ever. Them
things is... I don't know what they're doing. One is sitting on top
of the other. It's pretty bad - and they stink."
"Sometimes he wants to come in my trailer and play too much and he
wants to use my toilet," the rapper-turned-movie star adds. "There
ain't nothing like smelling Kevin Hart using the bathroom. It's