Isla Fisher went a year without landing a job

Australian actress Isla Fisher hit a "real low point" after the success of her breakout movie role in hit comedy Wedding Crashers - because she struggled to find work for a whole year.
The star was convinced the 2005 comedy would be her big break in Hollywood, but her portrayal of needy Gloria Cleary failed to lead to big opportunities, and she spent months fighting for work, auditioning three times a day.
However, Fisher, who is married to British comedian Sacha Baron
Cohen, admits she's glad she didn't actually land any of the jobs
she tried out for.
She tells Women's Health magazine, "After doing that (Wedding
Crashers), I had 12 months where I was auditioning three times a
day and I didn't get a single job. That was a real low point.
"But with hindsight, those movies turned out to be awful, so I
dodged a bullet. If I'd got any of them, I wouldn't be where I am
Fisher has since gone on to star in films like Confessions of a
Shopaholic and animated hits Horton Hears a Who! and Rango, while
she also co-stars with Leonardo DiCaprio in director Baz Luhrmann's
upcoming adaptation of literary classic The Great Gatsby.
And she insists she is pleasantly surprised with any success she
achieves in Hollywood because she never had the self-confidence
many young actors possess.
She says, "I never had the chutzpah to just come to L.A. and make
it. I didn't have that confidence. I'm always surprised when I get
a job."