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Bob Dylan plays show for one lucky fan

Written by . Published: November 25 2014

Bob Dylan performed for an audience of one in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Sunday (23Nov14) as part of a Swedish film series.

Dylan superfan Fredrik Wikingsson, 41, witnessed the show featuring Dylan and his band alone at Philadelphia's Academy of Music.

The lucky Swede says, "I was smiling so much it was like I was on ecstasy. My jaw hurt for hours afterward because I couldn't stop smiling."

The concert was part of film series Experiment Ensam, which chronicles individuals as they experience special events they would normally share with large groups alone.

The filmmakers hired out the venue and paid Dylan an undisclosed sum to perform.

Wikingsson, whose pal Anders Helgeson is the director of the film, tells RollingStone.com, "I have no idea how much it was, but it was probably more than he gets for a normal gig."

The film also features Wikingsson visiting Dylan landmarks in New York's Greenwich Village.

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