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Adam Levine starred in Begin Again for free
Written by . Published: July 01 2014
Rocker Adam Levine was so eager to land a role in new movie Begin Again, he worked for free.
The Maroon 5 frontman makes his big screen acting debut in the romantic drama, which co-stars Keira Knightley, and Levine admits he was willing to forgo a pay check to ensure his part in the project.
He tells USA Today, "I did this movie for no money. I'm very lucky
that I'm in that position. I want to have good experiences. I don't
want to do a bunch of s**t that I hate. I want to treat (acting)
completely differently because I have the very fortunate luxury of
not having to think of this in terms of money."
The movie focuses on college sweethearts who relocate to New York
to pursue music careers.