“The most grown-up thing you can do is fail at the things you really care about.”
Oof! That one hits home to all those desperately trying to figure life out. So... basically all of us. Whatever age you are, figuring out life and its numerous obstacles is such a burden sometimes. Well, get ready to see this coming-of-age story starring your favorite Marvel lady, Brie Larson, in Unicorn Store!
The film centers on Kit, a young lady who is working at a temporary office job because she got kicked out of art school. With her dreamy and creative personality, she can’t help but stray away from what she is “supposed to be doing” at her new “grown-up” job. That’s when she receives an invitation to “The Store”, a mysterious underground venue run by a kooky man (Samuel A. Jackson--oh hai Nick Fury!) in a bright pink suit who promises her childhood's greatest desire and leads her down a path to discovering what true magic really means.
The trailer shows the millennial angst and childlike wonder in the character of Kit and shows the story of pursuing your passions no matter what stands in your way.
Already sounds compelling, right? And slightly familiar? Only because this will be Brie and Samuel’s first on-screen reunion since the Marvel Studios blockbuster Captain Marvel. Unicorn Store is also Brie’s directorial debut and premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2017, though it was left in limbo until Netflix picked it up in January.
This is a big move for Brie, as she has been acting since she was a child. People have seen her acting chops in 21 Jumpstreet and Room (for which she won an Oscar), and now we get to see her be like a unicorn! More importantly, we can see her directing style in this film where she can showcase her creative side behind the camera as well.
The film looks like it hits all the right spots. It’s heartfelt, eccentric, and has a magical touch that will make people believe in their dreams.
Unicorn Store premieres on Netflix this Friday, April 5.
(Image via Netflix)
- Jasmine Liu, YH Contributing Writer