Steve-O fined for SeaWorld stunt

Stuntman and Jackass star Steve-O has been charged with a traffic infraction and fined for defacing a freeway sign as part of an anti-SeaWorld protest.
The animal-loving star climbed onto scaffolding supporting the sign in San Diego, California in May (14) and pasted the word "sucks" next to the mileage indicator for the aquatic themepark, where killer whales and other marine creatures perform for the public.
The 40 year old, real name Stephen Glover, went public with his act
of vandalism when he posted a YouTube video of himself climbing the
freeway sign in August (14) and California Highway Patrol officials
immediately recommended he be charged with vandalism and
On Monday (01Dec14), he was issued a traffic citation, and told he
has 20 days to settle a $239 fine.
Lawmakers insisted the stunt posed a distraction for drivers and
therefore could have caused an accident.
Steve-O, who is currently on vacation in Morocco, was not in court
for the ruling.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals bosses have already
agreed to pay any fine assessed against Steve-O.