Meghan Trainor and Julianne Moore discuss body image issues

Singer Meghan Trainor and actress Julianne Moore are among the stars who have opened up about their body image issues for a new documentary.
The pair joined British pop star Simon Webbe to discuss their fears about weight problems, bad teeth, and skin blemishes for the project, which is aimed at boosting children's confidence.
The short online films will be shown in the U.K. later this month
as part of Being Me - A Newsround Special.
Moore says, "When I was growing up in the U.S. it was unusual to
have freckles everywhere. Kids didn't know what they were. And it
was something I didn't want to have; I wanted to have tanned skin
like everybody else.
"But then of course you grow up and realise that everyone has
something that makes them feel different... and that those things
are less important the older you become once you have a family,
friends, a job - you know - and a life... I think that, you know,
it's that idea that we're all different. Physically we can all be
different but basically we're all the same."
Trainor, who previously addressed body image issues in her hit song
All About That Bass, recalls the childhood teasing she received,
saying, "I was in middle school, sixth grade and younger, and my
best friend was a boy. He looked at me and said you'd be a lot
prettier if you were 10 pounds lighter. I cried and felt horrible
all day. I went home and told my mum I wasn't gonna eat dinner and
she asked me why and I told her I got told if I was 10 pounds
lighter I'd be prettier and I still think about it to this day.
"I've moved on from it and have grown because of it but it is still
here in my brain. It affected me so much. He was even my best
friend and even your best friends can say something that can
The show will also feature Olympian Louis Smith and professional
dancer Kevin Clifton.