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Leona Lewis creates cruelty-free shopping guide

Written by . Published: August 04 2013

Animal-loving singer Leona Lewis has put together a shopping guide to help fans interested in buying cruelty-free fashion.

The Bleeding Love hitmaker, a staunch vegetarian and longtime animal rights campaigner, admits she would love to purchase leather shoes and handbags, but she is committed to only buying items made without animals products.

In a post on her blog, Lewis writes, "Yes, it's true I do often drool over the latest Laboutin (sic) collections. How I'd love to run around and catch a glimpse of that red sole on my feet. Oh how I daydreamed of owning an oversized tote a la Mulberry... But I soon snap out of it when I realize that the chemically treated, drummed, stretched, dyed leather in that pretty pink shoe or the slouchy Topshop bag was once part of a beautiful creature that suffered at the hands of humans."

Lewis goes on to list her top tips for finding animal-friendly outfits, including brands and websites selling faux-skin designs, and she also explains the different symbols printed on labels that indicate materials used.

She adds, "Remember to always check the label to ensure it's man made. I've found a lot of the time shop assistants don't know what the products are made from and will say it's leather because they think it's what you want to hear, so always check for yourself. An obvious sign is the price, it will usually be a lot less if it's man made.

"I love the fact that interviewers often comment on my shoes and say, 'I love those shoes, they look so expensive.' I laugh to myself and reply, 'I got them for £20.' They always think I'm joking, but it's true!"

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