Katy Perry criticized by animal rights group PETA over Roar video
Katy Perry has incurred the wrath of animal rights activists for featuring exotic animals in the video for her new single Roar.
The singer is seen onscreen with animals including tigers and monkeys in the promo, and in one scene, she even appears to paint the toenails of an elephant with bright pink polish.
Perry has now been criticized by officials at People for the
Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), who are furious with her
decision to feature the creatures onscreen.
Spokeswoman Merrilee Burke tells Britain's Daily Star, "Animals
used for entertainment... endure horrific cruelty and suffer from
extreme confinement and violent training methods. They often become
stressed and anxious when hauled around and forced into unfamiliar
or frightening situations."
Burke also claims the animals featured in Perry's Roar video were
provided by a company which has been previously criticized by
officials, adding, "The Serengeti Ranch, the animal exhibitor that
we believe supplied the animals for the Roar video, has been
inspected by the Department of Agriculture 22 times since 2001,
with a total of 13 citations during that time."
Perry has previously won praise from PETA and her ex-husband
Russell Brand was even gifted with a bullock from the organization
when they married in India in 2010.