Kate Walsh nursing ice skating injury

Actress Kate Walsh has been left with a nasty gash on her hip after falling during an ice skating session.
The Private Practise star took a solo trip on the ice at an outdoor rink in Washington, D.C., but her initial excitement turned to horror when she lost her balance and hit the freezing ground.
She tells talk show host Ellen DeGeneres, "It's been a while since
I've been on the ice. It was a little choppy, but that's alright, I
had a really, really good time...
"I thought, I'm gonna wait till the (ice resurfacer) Zamboni comes
on, get a really smooth ride... When it finally came out... I got
out there and it was the most amazing moment of my life, total
freedom, until I bit it (fell). I fell so hard... I fell on my left
hip and was wearing my sweatpants kind of low, like the cool kids
do, so my skin was exposed... It was really bad... I got the wind
knocked out of me."
She then shared a photo of her bloody injury with DeGeneres'
viewers, but confessed, "I don't think anyone wants to see