Daisy Ridley's dad embarrassed her in front of Mark Hamill

Written by . Published: November 29 2017

Daisy Ridley was left red-faced after introducing her father to her Star Wars: The Last Jedi co-star Mark Hamill because he had no idea about the veteran actor's iconic character.

The British actress has previously confessed her dad Chris was always more into Star Trek, although he has started to learn about the George Lucas-created franchise since Daisy landed the key role of Rey in 2015's Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

"He (her father) is a big supporter of me, (but) he wasn't always like, a Star Warsy (sic) person," she told U.S. breakfast show Good Morning America. "Obviously he watches it (now) because I'm in it..."

However, that didn't stop her father from quizzing franchise veteran Mark about who he was portraying in the new movie when he visited Daisy on location in Ireland last year (16).

"My dad said, 'Who do you play, then?'," she smiled, "but I don't know if he was joking or not, because it was only us in Ireland, and I was like, 'Who is here dad? Who is in this shot? It's Rey and (Hamill's character) Luke Skywalker!'"

The exchange was all the more embarrassing for Daisy as she had grown close to Mark in the months before they began production on the sequel to The Force Awakens, which ended with their characters meeting for the first time.

Daisy wasn't able to enjoy filming that introduction sequence for the 2015 release as she had been "really sick" on the day, so she was thankful to have the opportunity to properly get to know Mark in between shooting the two movies.

"It was wonderful...," she gushed. "We went for dinner, I went for dinner with his family, and then we had time for rehearsals, and was shooting with him a lot (for The Last Jedi), which was really amazing."

The filming break also allowed Daisy to get to grips with handling her character's lightsaber.

"I think I'm more proficient with a lightsaber (in The Last Jedi)," she shared. "I think that that's a good (new skill). It was 'cause I never really trained before the first one (The Force Awakens) and the second one I was training for like, the year that I was sort of off, so I had more stamina, and I felt pretty strong."

Fans will be able to judge for themselves on 15 December (17), when Star Wars: The Last Jedi opens in theaters.