Actress Charlotte Devaney to stand trial over kidnap

British DJ/actress Charlotte Devaney has been ordered to stand trial over allegations she helped to kidnap a man who owed her money.
Devaney, who starred in the 2008 comedy How to Lose Friends & Alienate People, appeared in Gloucester Crown Court in England on Friday (03May13) with three strippers amid claims they held club boss Curtis Woodman hostage last year (12) when he failed to pay them $67,000 .
Woodman is believed to have refused to pay the debt after cops
closed down his venue, the Embassy Club in Cheltenham, England, to
investigate whether prostitution was being carried out there.
Prosecutor Martin Steen told the court, "We say he was kidnapped
and subjected to various forms of violence and threats. Items were
taken from him in a robbery. It is not disputed by the Crown that
the ladies in question were owed money by the victim."
Devaney, 34, has pleaded not guilty to the kidnap charge.