3. Sony PlayStation was a no-show, as expected.
For the first time in over 2 decades, Sony, one of the 3 biggest video game console manufacturers, decided to opt out of E3 entirely, leaving the showroom floor to Microsoft and Nintendo. While they haven’t really given a clear answer to why they decided not to attend, Sony stated that they were looking for more inventive ways to engage the community. They took the time to think differently and experiment with new ways to delights their gamers.
So, what does that mean? Maybe they saw it as a waste of time and effort. The company has been thriving and has pulled out a massive lead in hardware sales for this console generation, but they don’t have something huge to announce right now. It’s not like Sony is an unknown entity in the consumer electronics industry, so maybe they decided spending all that money just to fluff itself up wasn’t worth it this time around.
In addition, E3 presentations usually showcase video games, and while Sony does develop some games in-house, most of their biggest releases are from third-party developers who have their individual showcases on the floor. Another factor to consider is that, with tickets being nearly $1,000, only a small fraction of the global gaming audience can attend. Sony is able to reach a much larger audience by streaming online, and they can do it at any time they want.