The trailer opens in a lush forest (something Jakku-born Rey surely finds comforting) where Rey (Daisy Ridley) comes rushing by, in the process dropping a fighter pilot's helmet -- it looks to be the same helmet she put on just for funsies at the beginning of The Force Awakens. Could this be indicative of Rey finally "letting old things die"? More on that later...
Rey continues sprinting through the forest, her new Force powers clearly allowing her to be more nimble as she leaps wide gaps in a single bound. Her forest leap jump-cuts to a similar leap inside some wreckage (likely the Death Star II), which is familiar territory for her. Once a scavenger, always a scavenger...?
When we finally see Rey's face, she is wet and grungy, indicating that this sequence might be taking place after her big water battle with Kylo Ren that we have seen in previous teasers (and later on in this one)... OR she could just be really sweaty and dirty from scouring a decades-old wreckage.
Over these scenes, we hear the voice of Finn (John Boyega) explaining, "It's an instinct. A feeling. The Force brought us together." This is the same guy who didn't know "how the Force works" back in TFA? That, ladies and gentlemen, is Growth™.