3. “Marvin Marvin” (2012-2013)
This brief Nick show centered around an alien named Marvin (Lucas Cruikshank) who was sent from planet Klooton to Earth, and had to live the life of a normal teenage boy with a regular family! As daunting as that sounds, Marvin had the support of his new “parents” Bob (Pat Finn) and Liz (Mim Drew), “grandpa” Pop-Pop (Casey Sander), and “siblings” Henry (Jacob Bertrand) and Teri (Victory Van Tuyl). Marvin’s new life on Earth was filled with shockers and learning moments as he tried to disguise his incredible alien abilities while being immersed in the world of high school.
It was an unconventional show premise for Nick, as many of the other shows that aired prior to this were more realism-centered compared to a supernatural theme. Though silly in nature, the show was light-hearted and devoid of much drama, which would have made another season more enjoyable for Marvin fans.
Were you a fan of any of these shows and did their endings shock/depress you?!