7. Finn Must Find His Family
Actor John Boyega has promised that we will learn more about Finn’s backstory in TROS, which will be a welcome relief. We know precious little about him pre-TFA, other than he was taken from his family at a very young age (possibly a baby) and that there was something in him that somehow compelled him to reject the First Order’s programming and brainwashing to escape being a Stormtrooper. There are definitely some missing pieces here, and I for one would not only like to discover those pieces but would like some of them to be put back together again, and finding his family will go along way to satisfy that. I mean, we already have a major character in this Trilogy who lost her parents and will never see them again, and another who not only rejected but killed one of his, so can we please at least have Finn not suffer the same fate? SOMEONE has to have a happy family reunion in this damn Saga!!!